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Eradicating Carrie Buck in Iceland

  In 1927, a young woman named Carrie Buck lived at a place called “the Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded.” Carrie was 17 years old and had been born with a disability that led the superintendent of the “Colony,” Dr. Albert Sidney Priddy, to...

Poverty, the Denver Post and Ebenezer Scrooge

The Denver Post published an interesting article this week outlining the results of a poll on the causes of poverty. In the poll, respondents were essentially asked, If a person is poor, which is more likely to blame: lack of effort on their own part, or difficult...

On the value of humans in a dehumanizing culture

I wanted to write this column a few months ago, when a Facebook post by now-President-elect Donald Trump caught my eye. The Facebook post was about a Trump headquarters location that had been burned by arsonists. The photo was terrible and the alleged crime itself was...

The past is not as good as you think

Fall is in the air, and for me the fresh breeze and falling leaves have always brought with them a sense of the past, of good memories, of old times and places. The smells of fall – ripe apples on the trees, bonfires, dried leaves – bring back wonderful memories for...

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